I know, my updates are getting more and more spaced out! I swear I’m working on that, but the truth is I’ve been busy, even if the winter has been trying to keep my locked indoors aching for something to do. I also don’t have internet at home for the moment, so I’ve been forced to spend some quality time with me, my boyfriend (the few hours he’s not working), and the TV which is still functioning superbly.
But I have a few life updates, some of which will direct you to read some of my work elsewhere! 🙂
I’m now a contributor for HellaWella.com
One of my company’s publications is a healthy living website called HellaWella, a site filled with health tips, news, recipes, and fun facts. So naturally, I raised my hand to be a writer. And here we have it – I’m published! Read my most recent articles on the fascinating history behind today’s popular foods (yep, shout out to my hometown product, M&M’s) and the facts and myths behind laser hair removal.
My NYC half-marathon is only one month away!
I’ve been spending a lot of my free time at the gym, bootcamp, even some field hockey, and of course running outside in these arctic temperatures! I even invested way too much money in special shorts to keep my bum a few degrees warmer while I hopscotch between the snow and ice. And since I can no longer run to Jersey City hoping to get a glimpse of the Super Bowl players, I can now run on the brand new river sidewalks in Hoboken which have FINALLY opened along the Hudson River. Tom tells me I am way too excited about sidewalks, but when you have a view like this from your town, any additional footage I can get staring at that skyline is exciting news in my world.
When I’m not working, freelancing, running or writing …. I’m watching Downton Abbey.
Yup, just in time for Game of Thrones to come back next month, I’m nearly caught up on all four seasons of Downton Abbey. If you’re not watching it, I suggest you either run to the library for the Season 1-3 DVDs, watch on pbs.org, or stream from Amazon Prime. It’s worth it, and this winter you need a good show to look forward to and watch 40 episodes in a row, cuddled up on the couch with some spiked hot chocolate.
Our new Etsy shop is open!
Nope, don’t get too excited. Despite what my sister may be trying to advertise in the above photo, I am NOT engaged – just the subject of a sample bridal invitation that is part of the Hudson & Sound custom stationary line. Kiley, the graphic designer (and resident creative) of the family, has been busy with custom projects for both friends and customers. Our new Etsy shop, Hudson & Sound, showcases some of her work and will also be updated VERY soon with more gift and home items from the both of us.
I have more recipes, tips, and fun facts coming up! I just have to lock myself indoors and get writing …
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