I’ve been behind. I’m catching up on my eating, among other things, and now I have a cold. 🙁 So right now, I just want to share some things that are making me happy this week.
Grandma’s cooking.
Sunday dinner was just what I needed to reverse, um, recover from enjoy after my diet. Grandma didn’t disappoint and sent us home with dinner for the whole week (hence my lack of recipes).
This video my dad sent me.
I have a journalism minor, so I still say paper is not dead.
50 Lifehacks to Simplify Your World
This article reveals the little tricks to make life easier and it will blow your mind. I already do some of them (I thought I invented #9) but many of them will make you say, “Why didn’t I think of that?”

No more mess from hanging shelves!
Suri’s Burn Book and SEO
This is one of my favorite blogs and it’s how I catch up on my celeb news. Today, fake Suri shared why Kim and Kanye will NOT be naming their baby “North.” I love a good Kardashian jab. Read it here.
My friend Danielle introduced me to Coursera, a website that lets you take online classes on almost anything for free! Free knowledge for everyone!
Jon Cozart
…and his musical parodies. I loved his Harry Potter in 99Seconds, and now his After Ever After video is going viral. (Yes, I’m a Gleek.)
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diU70KshcjA]
And finally, I’m so excited that Tom is working almost-normal hours again and our trip to California is 80% booked (the other 20% hopefully by the weekend). Signs that spring is coming? Well, I’m going skiing this weekend so probably not. But at least I have a lot to look forward to!
video link is broken
*James J. Travis, ARM*