Remember Mad Libs? I had so many of those books, putting in random nouns and adjectives that never made sense when the story was over.
A friend sent me a grown-up version for us foodies, as featured in Food & Wine magazine. (Thanks Katie!)
I think it’s more fun to not peek, so I’m listing the words you have to come up with here first. Then, pop them into the story below and see what you came up with. 🙂
Food & Wine is also encouraging readers to tweet a photo of your filled-in page to @fandw using #FWWordGames and they’ll be posting some of them on their website!
- Beverage
- African Country
- Mammal
- Bird
- Family Member
- Piece of Furniture
- Body Part
- Vegetable
- Number
- Large Animal
- Body Part
- Cured Meat
- Big-Box Store
- Items of Clothing
- Historical Era
- Reality TV Star
- Eastern-European Country
- Zoo Animals
- Packaged Food
- French Pastries
- Distant Relative
- Foreign Country
- Type of Boat
- TV Chef
- Number Below 10
- Medical Device
- Number Above Two
- Musician
- Supreme Court Justice
- Classical Composer
- Condiment
- Number above Four
Got your words? Now fill em in here and have fun with it:
Food & Wine Mad Libs Word Game
I also came across a nifty wine guide as featured on theKitchn. Wine Folly created a great color coded-chart for wine and food pairings.
However, I have to admit that the one tip I inherited from my dad is you don’t drink white until you’re out of red. 😉
See more tips from Wine Folly here.
What food and wine tips have you learned/inherited?
Robin Travis says
ha ha. I just bought a pack of the little bottles of white cuz every time I open white to cook, the rest ends up going bad.