Cake pops and cake balls are a pretty popular treat these days. They were made popular by blogger Bakerella and she remains the queen of cake pop recipes. I’ve made cookie balls before, but never cake balls, so I figured it was time for me to give it a try. So here goes!
You will need:
- Boxed cake mix
- Icing
- Chocolate, for melting
- Sprinkles/decorations
Make cake according to package directions.
After cooled, crumble cake into a bowl so that it breaks into small crumbs.
Next, add icing. Add about 2 heaping spoonfuls and then add more if needed. (If you add too much, the cake can become too creamy and sweet.)
Roll cake into balls. (If cake doesn’t roll nicely, add more icing.) Freeze for a half hour.
Melt chocolate over double boiler. If it does not become liquid enough, add a dash of oil. (Note: you can also melt in the microwave, but only heat a few seconds at a time, stirring in between – you can burn the chocolate and it becomes lumpy.)
Dip cake balls into chocolate and place on pan. Top with sprinkles immediately – chocolate hardens fast!
And voila! Cake balls for any occasion!
hope I get some..